Tag Archives: Bicycles

Bicycle Infrastructure Guideline for Colombian Cities

portada guiaOn April 28th the Colombian Ministry of Transport published the first Bicycle Infrastructure Guideline for Colombian cities. The document will serve local leaders and technical professionals as a guide for the construction of projects which provide adequate infrastructure for cycling.

The guide was prepared by the Ministry of Transport, through the Sustainable Urban Mobility Unit and supported and revised by national and international experts, including the Colombian TRANSfer team, considering that this guide is a part of the NAMA TanDem Measures in Colombia.

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Comprehensive technical guidelines for Lima’s cycling infrastructure

fetch-UID11Even though Lima is described as having good geographic and climatic conditions for cycling, commutes by bicycle today have a mode share of mere 0.9%. The Metropolitan Municipality of Lima (MML) plans to increase this share to reach 2% by the end of 2018 and has started to carry out various initiatives and programs to promote cycling, such as car-free Sundays or awareness raising campaigns in schools and for car Drivers. Continue reading