Webinar: Transport in NDCs – Lessons Learnt and how to Raise Ambition

The webinar Transport in NDCs – lessons learnt and how to raise ambition presents key results recent studies of the from the BMU-IKI funded Advancing Transport Climate Strategies (TraCS) project.

Further information on the Report “Transport in NDCs”:

GIZ and Ricardo provide policy-makers and development practitioners key insight into the development and implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in the transport sector for post-2020 climate actions in rapidly-motorising countries. Published ahead of the 23rd Conference of the Parties (COP23) in Bonn, Germany, the report summarises case study findings from rapidly-motorising countries, including Bangladesh, Colombia, Georgia, Kenya, Nigeria, Peru and Viet Nam. It highlights the shared challenges they face in developing and delivering greenhouse gas mitigation actions within expanding transport sectors. These include the impact that a lack of transport data is having on sectoral climate action and the need for increased buy-in from key transport stakeholders to achieve countries’ climate change commitments. The report also highlights the need to build climate change expertise within transport authorities, and for greater alignment between NDCs and national transport sector strategies.

Download the report at: https://www.changing-transport.org/wp-content/uploads/2017_Transport-in-NDCs.pdf

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